Rooms may only be booked by University of Newcastle students and staff, and are only to be used for University study and related activity. Please note the following:
- Please confirm the maximum number of people allowed via the room information icon.
- You can book two hours per group per day, up to one month in advance for booking.
- You will receive a Verification Email. Please confirm your room booking within 1 hour. Unconfirmed room bookings will become available for other users to book after 1 hour.
- Group study room 1.27 is a 'Zoom Room' group study space with video conferencing and group interactive Whiteboard screen.
- Bookings may be cancelled by clicking on the cancellation link in your confirmation email. If you no longer have this email or the link fails to open, please contact a Library Service Zone and a staff member will be able to help you. Bookings will be cancelled automatically if they contravene the Library Use Policy
Please contact a Library Service Zone, or email, text or chat a question to Ask the Library if you have any enquiries about room bookings.
You have reached the end of the bookable window. No availability will be shown past this point.
Your Booking